Collection of marine waste
At Ventspils Freeport, reception of ship-generated waste and polluted water from ships is performed in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 and the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) recommendations, subject to the requirements of the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 455, Procedures for Reception of Ship-generated Waste and Polluted Water and for Development of a Ship-generated Waste Handling Plan, and the requirements of the Ship-generated Waste Management Plan at Ventspils Freeport.
Ventspils Freeport receives from ships all waste groups indicated in the MARPOL 73/78 Convention Annexes, including oil waste (oily sludge, bilge water, tank washings, dirty ballast water, etc.), garbage (food waste, plastic, etc.), sewage (from toilets) and waste noxious liquid substances (cargo residues, prewash water, tank washings, etc.). The reception of ship-generated waste and its transfer to licensed waste management organisations is organised by ship agents.
26 Sarkanmuizas dambis, Ventspils, LV−3601, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63624792
Fax: (+371) 63624267
E-mail: [email protected]
Dzintarjūra provide services at Berths No. 1−26c, 34−37 and, if necessary, at all other berths of the port, by receiving solid oily waste directly from ships and removing it from the territory of Ventspils Freeport and ensuring its further disposal using specialised transport.

39 Tvaika Street, Riga, LV−1034, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 67393860
E-mail: [email protected]
EKO OSTA receives oil-water mixture from the Ventspils Freeport ships Užava and Venta at Berth No.19 with the pollution that exceeds Ventbunkers treatment plant capacity.

7-6 Baznicas Street, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 24889889
E-mail: [email protected]
eSYS PRO provides full boom service, elimination of consequences of accidents, trade in absorbers and booms, aquatorium cleanup, aquatorium patrol, ship tank cleanup, rainwater and sewage system rinsing, waste-water collection, assenization truck services, collection of hazardous waste according to category B permit, provision of potable water and collection of food waste of third countries.

Freeport of Ventspils Authority
The polluted water collector vessels – Venta and Užava – are available for rent from the Freeport of Ventspils Authority.
The requests for these services can be submitted by calling the shipmasters of the polluted water collector vessels at (+371) 26558802 or (+371) 29196790.
The service fees are listed in Port Dues and Charges of the Freeport of Ventspils.



92 Dzintaru Street, Ventspils, LV-3602, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63602501
Fax: (+371) 63602504
E-mail: [email protected]

Ventspils labiekārtošanas kombināts
12 Pils Street, Ventspils, LV−3601, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63622747
Fax: (+371) 63622354
E-mail: [email protected]
Ventspils labiekārtošanas kombināts collects unsorted municipal waste directly from ships parked at Berths No. 1−28, 50, 51, 53 and 37, and delivers it to the Ventspils waste management region’s municipal waste landfill Pentuļi. Ventspils labiekārtošanas kombināts receives from ships (based on orders received in advance) ship-generated hazardous waste (fluorescent lamps, batteries, as well as food waste from ships with previously visited ports that are not located in the European Community, therefore, in accordance with the 19 requirements of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No.1069/2009 and the Commission Regulation (EU) No.142/2011, such waste must be separated from other solid waste and must be disposed of as hazardous waste).

VK Terminal Services
66 Dzintaru Street, Ventspils, LV−3602, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63663195
Fax: (+371) 63680105
E-mail: [email protected]
VK Terminal Services services ships at Berths No. 34, 35a, 36 and receives ship-generated food waste, municipal waste and ship-generated waste for further delivery to the Ventspils city landfill.

65 Talsu Street, Ventspils, LV−3602, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63661495
Fax: (+371) 63661912
E-mail: [email protected]
Ūdeka receives municipal sewage from the polluted water collector vessels Užava or Venta parked at Berth No.19 and delivers it further to the collector. At Berth No. 40a, a special unit has been established for direct discharge of municipal sewage from the ship into the city’s sewerage system.