Malmar Sheet Metal

Adress: 107 Ganibu Str., Ventspils, LV-3601, Latvia
Phone: (+371) 63628989
E-mail: [email protected]
Chairman and owner of Malmar Sheet Metal Dorsan De Buysscher:
– Although we visited Liepaja, Jelgava and Riga, Ventspils attracted us more. Not only because it is green and beautiful, but also because educated and motivated people live here. What is more, we found welcoming people in several city authorities, and there was land available for us… But the most important reason is the logistics infrastructure, the ferry traffic to Germany and Sweden, as well as the infrastructure for business start-ups, such as the VHTP Business Incubator. The North Kurzeme Vocational Education Competence Center provides companies with young and educated employees. Also the Ventspils High Technology Park played an important role by helping to obtain European co-financing, which resulted in a new industrial building for our company.